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You Too Can Tutu

Colourful pointe shoes & hyper-coloured balls for 5-11 years old
Building on the success of their 2015 juggling-meets-ballet performance 4x4: Ephemeral Architectures, Gandini Juggling brings this captivating fusion of grace and playful precision to a whole new audience.

This time, with a mischievous twist—a witty take on classic ballet storytelling, following two ambitious characters determined to create the world’s first juggling ballet.

Bursting with celebratory energy and slapstick fun, You Too Can Tutu comes to life in a vibrant Bauhaus-inspired palette. Colourful pointe shoes and hyper-coloured balls dance together, forming mesmerising patterns and shapes in a joyful spectacle of movement and rhythm.


Director: Sean Gandini & Kati Ylä-Hokkala
Performers: Travis-Louise Rabarijaona, Hannah George
Costumes: Georgina Spencer


Coproduction: The Place


Format: outdoors
Duration: 20 minutes
Age guidance: children 5-11 and their families
Touring party: 2 performers
Set: No set
Ideal stage dimensions: a flat surface of 6m x 4m


We have a wide range of workshops available on demand. Workshops are aimed at professional jugglers, performers, and those that are new to the art form. We also offer post-show discussions with the director of the company and the performers.
Get in touch with the team to discuss ideas.


All our upcoming dates are listed on the Tour dates page.