• n’Either eiTher Both aNd
  • n’Either eiTher Both aNd
  • n’Either eiTher Both aNd
  • n’Either eiTher Both aNd

nEither eiTher Both aNd

In 2025, we're bringing back nEither Either botH, and our groundbreaking show from 1992
In 2025, we're bringing back nEither Either botH and our groundbreaking show from 1992 — a production revered as an emblematic piece in the early chapters of contemporary juggling and Circus.

nEither Either botH and, Gandini Juggling's first piece is widely considered as one of the emblematic pieces in the early history of both contemporary juggling and contemporary Circus. Re-imagining juggling space as non central, non frontal. Questioning the sensationalism and maximalism of the juggling which had come before. And also imagining the possibility, now largely accepted that circus shows could be made around one discipline. 

It also seeked to look at juggling as a form of dance, applying principles from new dance movements like Judson Church to the circus field for the first time.

It started life as a short experiment that had emerged from Sean Gandini and Kati Ylä-Hokkala’s regular workshops with contemporary-dance choreographer Gill Clarke. From this initial work, nEither Either botH and was developed over the course of a year featuring, alongside Gandini and Ylä-Hokkala, juggler-mathematician Mike Day and dancer-aerialist Lindsey Butcher. In the process of shaping the work, these artists developed the piece through several versions and performed it variously under the titles of Oxbow Lakes and Homage to Pi.

The music for nEither Either botH and was initially provided by Merlin Shepherd, with Suzanne Parke reading texts by John Cage live. The musician Steve Williams subsequently joined the company for later versions of the work, adding a layer of electronics to the score that mixed with Parke’s text.


Full length video of nEither Either botH and:

Mike Day solo from n’Either Either botH and:


Choreographed by Gill Clarke.
Music by Steve Williams with texts read by Suzanne Parke.
Performers (1992): Sean Gandini, Kati Ylä-Hokkla, Mike Day, Lyndsey Butcher, Ben Richter.
Performers (2025): Sean Gandini, Kati Ylä-Hokkla, Benjamin Beaujard, Yu-Hsien Wu


The recreation of nEither Either botH and is made possible with the support of Archaos Pôle National Cirque – Appel à projet Faire Revivre.


We have a wide range of workshops available on demand. Workshops are aimed at professional jugglers, performers, and those that are new to the art form. We also offer post-show discussions with the director of the company and the performers. Get in touch with the team to discuss ideas.